
Новости за 15.01.2024

RIA Novosti  

AfD MP Explains Why German Farmers are Up in Arms Against Scholz Government

Demonstrations led by farmers protesting cuts to subsidies have swept across Germany, with the European economic powerhouse brought to a standstill last week after farmers blocking roads were joined by striking rail workers. Sputnik asked AfD lawmaker Rainer Rothfuss to explain what’s driving Germans’ anger against the Scholz government.

RIA Novosti  

Fact Check: Is Russia Really Getting Ready to Invade NATO?

NATO is getting ready for Russian aggression against the alliance’s eastern flank, Bild says, citing a "secret Bundeswehr document" about preparations for the possible flashpoint. But what's the actual chance of a Russian attack on NATO, and which side, historically, has dreamt about and planned for a World War III scenario in Eastern Europe?

RIA Novosti  

4,000-Year-Old Stone-Carved Tomb Discovered in Egypt

Researchers have described a burial chamber they found in Egypt, a stone-sculptured one, as an archeological marvel exemplifying the ancient builder's impressive mastery of masonry.

RIA Novosti  

White House Contender Neocon Nikki Haley's Russophobic & Warmongering Rants Exposed

As the Iowa caucuses kick off the 2024 presidential primaries, a poll showed that Donald Trump wielded a wide lead over his Republican presidential rivals. Meanwhile, former Governor and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, known for her vehement Russophobic rants, took second place, surveys revealed, forcing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis into third.

RIA Novosti  

German Army Orders Over $54Mln Worth of Decoy Flares From Rheinmetall

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - German defense firm Rheinmetall said on Monday that it signed an agreement worth about 50 million euros ($54.7 million) with Germany's Bundeswehr (armed forces) for the production of decoy flares to protect aircraft from infrared-guided missiles.

RIA Novosti  

A Tale of Two Fates: Gonzalo Lira and Rafi Jabar

I have a friend here named Rafi Jabbar, who I served with in 2015 in Vostok Battalion. Rafi earned his DPR and Russian citizenship in combat, where he was known as a brave and expert soldier until he got wounded by a boobytrap in early 2019.

RIA Novosti  

Russia Plans to Build Over 600 Homegrown Planes in Next 6 Years

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia is planning the production of more than 600 fully domestic passenger aircraft in the next six years and has allowed tapping the sovereign wealth fund to help plane manufacturers scale up their output, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said on Monday.

RIA Novosti  

China's Nuclear Potential in Figures

On January 15, 1955, at a meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese leadership decided to develop and build its own nuclear weapons.

RIA Novosti  

German Farmers Converge on Berlin's Brandenburg Gate in Final Bid to Fight Subsidy Cuts

In December 2023, the German government revealed its intention to eliminate diesel subsidies for farmers in order to tackle the budget crisis. This move was projected to generate 440 million euros ($481 million) for the federal budget. However, this announcement sparked widespread demonstrations by farmer across the nation.

RIA Novosti  

Nauru Severs Diplomatic Relations With Taiwan, Moves to One-China Principle

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Republic of Nauru (island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean) has decided to sever diplomatic relations with Taiwan in line with the UN resolution that recognizes China as the sole legal government representing the whole of China and seeks to resume full diplomatic relations with China, the country's government said.

RIA Novosti  

Houthis Fire Cruise Missile at US Navy Destroyer in Red Sea

In December, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the establishment of a multinational operation to secure the Red Sea, saying that the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, the Seychelles, and Spain would take part in the mission.