
Новости за 02.02.2024

RIA Novosti  

Scholz's Ruling Coalition Braces for Another Budget Crisis in 2025

Germany's ruling coalition is not yet out of trouble after scraping through a vote to pass this year's budget. Challenging times lie ahead as the nation’s 2025 spending plan faces a gaping €20 billion deficit, which must be reduced in line with the constitutional debt limit.

RIA Novosti  

US Lags Behind Russia in Next-Gen Nuclear Power - Report

The International Energy Agency predicts that by 2050 nuclear power production should double in order to meet the challenges of the global economy. The US would like to dominate this market, however its resources are dwarfed by Russian expertise and technologies.

RIA Novosti  

Meet New Vega Volunteer Detachment in Lugansk People's Republic

In December, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that there were over 600,000 Russian troops currently serving in the special operation zone along the whole line of combat contact. A great number of those are volunteers. Recently, a brand new elite unit has finished military training in the Lugansk People’s Republic.

RIA Novosti  

Asia's Share in Russia's Lumber Exports Up to 98%

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Asia has replaced Europe as a destination for Russian lumber exports, with the share of Central Asia rising to almost 100% and China continuing to lead the pack of importers, the federal forest inventory manager said.

RIA Novosti  

Haley’s Secession

With tensions growing between the US Federal government and the state government of Texas rising rapidly, calls for Texas’ secession from the union have grown from a whisper to, if not a scream then certainly a loud grumble.

RIA Novosti  

US Has ‘Overstayed’ Its ‘Effectiveness’ in Middle East

Days after the US State Department announced that three US troops were killed in a drone attack on a base near Jordan, US President Joe Biden blamed Iran, arguing that they provided weapons to the militants and promised a strong response, including hitting Iranian targets. Iran, in turn, said it would respond to any attack.

RIA Novosti  

Iran Begins Construction of New Nuclear Power Plant - Reports

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Mohammad Eslami, announced the start of construction of a new nuclear power plant (NPP), which is in line with the country's initiative to upgrade nuclear energy generative capacity to 20,000 megawatts, Iranian state-run news agency IRNA reported on Thursday.