
Новости за 14.02.2024

RIA Novosti  

Ball and Bastion: How Russia Protects Border With Finland After Helsinki’s NATO Entry

Russia has conducted regular missile drills near the Gulf of Finland as Moscow continues to strengthen its border after Helsinki entered NATO in April, 2023. During the recent drills, the Russian Army used the mobile coastal missile systems Bal and Bastion. What is so specific about these advanced weapons? Check Sputnik to find out.

RIA Novosti  

Russia Keen to Expand Cooperation With Neighbors in Eurasia

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia is keen to further expand cooperation with its neighbors in Eurasia, and will prioritize ties with them during its current chairmanship in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday.

RIA Novosti  

TikTok Tactics: UK Hires Foreign Influencers to Combat Channel Migrant Surge

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The UK Home Office is planning to pay "thousands of pounds" to foreign TikTok bloggers to urge undocumented migrants not to cross the English Channel in boats and promote new immigration legislation, The Times newspaper reported, citing a government document.

RIA Novosti  

Lavrov Takes the Podium to Address Russia's State Duma

Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, addresses the State Duma (lower chamber of the Russian Parliament) to facilitate the coordination of the government’s executive and legislative branches in strengthening Russia’s position on the global stage.