Whether embracing their roots, or looking for fun, thousands turn out for Polish Constitution Day Parade


Dancers on Saturday at the annual Polish Independence Day parade in downtown Chicago.

Anthony Vazquez/Sun-Times

Thousands, many of them decked out in their best red and white, gathered Saturday along Columbus Drive to watch as more than a hundred floats and groups marched in the 133rd Polish Constitution Day Parade.

Northlake resident Kathy Kopec, there with her kids, Lars and Milena, wants to make attending the parade a tradition. They were on a three-year streak, she said.

Kopec, who grew up in northern Poland, said she used to walk in the parade with her Polish school after coming to America and uses her attendance to help her and her children stay connected to her roots. She particularly loves the Polish Highland dancers — even if they’re from the south of the country. Her daughter also loves the dancers, but her brother is more interested in the cars.

“I like to embrace my Polish roots and get out here,” Milena, 21, said. “I’ve always loved it and it’s always nice to see so much Polish pride. It’s just so much fun to see people celebrate my heritage.”


A woman waves a Polish flag Saturday at the annual Polish Independence Day parade.

Anthony Vazquez/Sun-Times

Elmhurst resident Andrew Partika came with his daughter, Stef, as well as family friends Jack and Gosha Kablonski, who were attending their first parade as visitors from Krakow.

“It’s nice we finally have the time to get together,” the younger Partika said.

Both families were disappointed not to see any of the Polish national soccer team at the event, but were excited for the “freebies.”

Gosha Kablonski said Poland could take some notes from Chicago, though she still enjoys celebrating with family back home.

“We don’t do parades,” she said. “[But] this is fantastic. Maybe we’ll take some ideas from here.”


A dancer twirls her skirt Saturday at the Polish Independence Day Parade in Chicago.

Anthony Vazquez/Sun-Times

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