This senior says 'yes' to getting rid of mandatory driving tests

State Sen. Donald DeWitte and representatives of AARP speak about mandatory road tests for seniors.

State Sen. Donald DeWitte, at the podium, speaks in April about getting rid of mandatory road tests for senior drivers in Illinois.


Having just recently taken my drivers' test — and not looking forward to another one in two years — I saw your editorial headline “Stop mandatory driving tests for seniors” and jumped (even at my age) for joy!

It does seem unfair, when the driving stats of seniors are so stellar compared to other age groups, that we are forced to be tested so constantly.

It is stressful to stand in long lines, a physical ordeal. And, of course, there's worrying that we won't be passed because of a minor infraction.

In Florida, people take one initial drivers' test, and that's it for a lifetime! They have an occasional eye test to pass, and that's it. No other states have such draconian testing laws for their senior citizens. Illinois should find a way to treat drivers more fairly!

Carol Kraines, Deerfield

CTA not ready for DNC

I hope that CTA President Dorval Carter and Mayor Brandon Johnson are able to quickly upgrade CTA trains and buses so visitors to the Democratic National Convention find them clean, safe, and easy to navigate. As of May 5, 2024, public transit is nowhere near ready.

Beth Najberg, Gold Coast

The basics of protesting

I must be old as I don't get the basics when it comes to protests. Whether peaceful or not, no group — whether it's to demonstrate on Gaza, Donald Trump, global warming, animal rights, the administration, or college tuition — has a right to take over a college or any public space. Why isn't that straightforward rule enforced for all, meaning the administration gives a warning to disband and then the police arrest those who refuse to leave and take down the structures and tents? I would assume if pro-Israel advocates set up a competing encampment, that too would not be allowed. Nobody has a monopoly over public spaces.

Shawn Jenkins, Evanston

GOP hypocrites on protests

I have noticed lately that Republicans are very concerned with all the protesting and destruction that's going on across the U.S. campuses. Personally, I believe that protesting can be positive, but there is no place for damage and destruction.

My question is, where was their outrage during the Jan. 6 insurrection? They were either looking the other way, holding their ears or hiding under their desks in their offices at the Capitol Building. All this while the "Commander In Chief," then-President Donald Trump, was eating his bucket of chicken while watching it on TV and also looking the other way. Evidently they're okay with violent protests as long as it pleases their Lord and Master.

Thomas Bajorek, Burbank

Tracking down murder suspects

I was very glad and gratified at the recent arrests in the murder of Chicago Police Officer Luis Huesca. There was a question asked though, about how to make people feel safer in spite of the murder of a police officer. I wonder if one answer would be to apply the same amount of investigatory effort when an ordinary citizen gets murdered. Perhaps that level of potential criminal accountability could serve as a deterrent if criminals knew that all murders would receive the same degree of prosecutorial diligence.

William H. Davis, Matteson

No marina at the Pier

Regarding the Navy Pier marina: This marina will degrade the water quality in a confined space. Boaters will dump trash, and water cycled through boat motors will result in oil film on the surface. The water in the area is clear and there is no need for a marina.

Warren Rodgers Jr., Orland Park

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