
Новости за 19.07.2024

Sport.fr (clubs) 

Jonathan David peut partir, le LOSC a 3 options pour le remplacer

Alors que l’avenir du sérial buteur canadien est toujours dans le flou, le LOSC se prépare à dégainer pour un 9. À un an de la fin du contrat de Jonathan David, qui a marqué 19 buts en 34 matchs de Ligue 1 la saison dernière, Lille anticipe son départ potentiel. Le buteur canadien est […]

RiaDagestan.ru (спорт) 

Магомед Юсупов: «В сёлах создавались ополчения, которые с военными и сотрудниками правоохранительных органов дали отпор террористам»

МАХАЧКАЛА, 19 июля – РИА «Дагестан». В августе этого года исполняется 25 лет с начала второй чеченской войны.

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BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Baltimore Ravens training camp capsule

(Photo credit: Clayton Freeman/Florida Times-Union / USA TODAY NETWORK) Baltimore Ravens (13-4) OPEN CAMP: July 20, Owings Mills, Md. LAST YEAR: The Ravens are settled entering the 2024 season compared to the emotional and dramatic offseason one year ago that featured completing a five-year extension with Lamar Jackson, the signing of free agent WR Odell Beckham and the changing offensive coordinators. KEY ADDITIONS: O

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Imran Khwaja, Mubashshir Usmani, Mahinda Vallipuram elected as ICC Associate Member Directors

New Delhi [India], July 19 (ANI): Imran Khwaja, Mubashshir Usmani, and Mahinda Vallipuram have been elected as ICC Associate Member Directors following an election process at the ICC Annual Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka. In line with the Associate Members' Meeting Terms of Reference, the voting was conducted at the Formal Associate Members meeting by way of a weighted secret ballot in which all voters (each Voting Asso

Err.ee (sport) 

Premium liigas rakendub EM-il katsetatud reegel

Jalgpalli Premium liigas hakkab alates 20. voorust kehtima reegel, et kohtunike langetatud otsuste suhtes võivad vestlust pidada vaid kohtunik ja meeskonna kapten.