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Новости за 15.12.2024

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

A Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Macros – CosmoGlamor

I used to dread the word “diet.” It conjured up images of bland salads, constant hunger pangs, and a never-ending cycle of restriction and guilt. But then I discovered the magic of counting macros, and my entire perspective on food and weight loss shifted. Suddenly, I wasn’t just counting calories; I was nourishing my body with the right balance of nutrients, enjoying delicious meals, and feeling empowered to make informed choices. If you’re tired of yo-yo dieting and feeling like you’re constantly counting calories... Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

25 Crazy & Easy "Wacky Hair Day" Ideas for Girls (2018 Update!)

Home » DIY Tutorials » DIY Costumes » 25 CLEVER IDEAS for “Wacky Hair Day” at SCHOOL!! (…including Chloe’s wacky hair!) September 21, 2016 - By Ashley Johnston 15 CommentsMy kids have been doing a fund raiser at school and each class is kind of in a competition with each other, to see who can raise the most money.(Side Note: I TRIPLE hate asking for others to cough up some cash for my kid. I get it though….it’s tough for schools to get enough funding, so ugggh, we hit up the grandmas and this year we even asked their auntie... Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

Best Homemade Acne Treatment

Home » DIY » DIY Beauty » Best Homemade Acne TreatmentThis post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content, read our Disclosure Policy.Do you, or someone you know, suffer from acne? If so, you (or they) aren’t alone. In fact, according to Brown University, approximately 17 million Americans suffer from acne. Knowing you’ve got company probably doesn’t make you feel much better about your acne… am I right? Well, what if I told you there was an incredible homemade acne spot treatment that could... Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

Eye Makeup For Green Eyes

Let’s talk about eye makeup for green eyes! Green eyes are stunning, enticing, and oh so lovely! They are a beautiful and really rare eye color.Did you guys know that only about 2% of the world’s population possesses green eyes? If you want to make your green eyes pop even more, we have got a variety of tricks, techniques, and tips to help you achieve just that. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about green eye makeup. Applying any of these will highlight your stunning eyes to their full potential. Читать дальше...

Oasport: Nuoto paralimpico: Super-Italia a Berlino! Morlacchi, medaglie e record 

Nuoto, Sofia Morini in finale dei 200 sl ai Mondiali di nuoto in vasca corta, D’Innocenzo prima eliminata

Ci sarà solo Sofia Morini nella finale dei 200 stile libero del pomeriggio ai Mondiali di nuoto in vasca corta di Budapest. L’ultima giornata di gare si chiude con un duello nazionale per un posto per la singolar tenzone delle medaglie: Giulia D’Innocenzo e Sofia Morini erano impegnate nell’ultima batteria della giornata, con entrambe con […]

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Heuriges Weihnachtsgeschäft läuft stärker als im Vorjahr

Der Handelsverband hat nach dem dritten Weihnachtseinkaufssamstag zufrieden gezeigt. Auf Basis einer Blitzumfrage hieß es gegenüber der APA, das dritte Adventwochenende sei "sogar noch einen Tick besser gelaufen als das zweite". Im Schnitt sei die Kundenfrequenz in Einkaufsstraßen und -zentren um bis zu ein Viertel über dem Vorjahr gelegen, so Handelsverbandsobmann Rainer Will. Das heurige Weihnachtsgeschäft dürfte das vorige übertreffen und auf 7,5 Mrd. Euro Umsatz kommen. 

Netanjahu válčí, aby nepykal za korupci, ukazuje film, který Izrael nesmí vidět

V roce 2023 se uznávaný americký dokumentarista Alex Gibney dostal k výbušnému materiálu – více než tisíci hodin policejních výslechů premiéra Benjamina Netanjahua a jeho rodiny, které ho usvědčují z korupční aféry. Odstartoval tak soudní proces a Netanjahu se stal prvním premiérem v historii země, jenž čelí stíhání během výkonu své funkce.