
Новости за 04.05.2024

Small Heath Alliance 

Toby Lerone’s Match ratings (1 reply)

Flight over (delayed) £210. 3/10
Train to brum £35. 6/10.
Nortons, big bull, rainbow etc. 9/10.
The result? 1/10
Spending the day with the old man (and I mean old) absolutely priceless. 10/10.
I love this club, I don’t get to see them as often as I did, but I’m positive for L1.
P*ss that league.

Players today: 10/10. Did what was asked.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Lap of appreciation

Yep, came out around 2.45pm, a few hundred had stayed, was very weird.
Juke and Stansfield got chants, the rest got a few boos but generally polite applause.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Be careful what you wish for re: Garry Cook

100% Brother!!
Our future starts now. That is the last relegation we will suffer. One year tour of League One will be epic. This time next year this board will have a very different feel to it.
Keep Right On ????????????????

Small Heath Alliance 

Back the Owners (9 replies)

For god sake just back them. Yes they made a terrible decision with Rooney, we’ve been over that till the cows come home, but they did rectify it. It’s pointless harping on about it anyway. We’re relegated. It’s happened.

What matters now is how we get out of league 1, and the owners need our full support to achieve this. They’re committed to us, and want the best, and I’m sure they’ll do everything they can to right the wrongs of this season.

Up the blues, up the Wagner and Keep right on. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Back the Owners

Uncle Tom Cobley is spot on. Garry Cook has made one truly big decision this year and got it completely wrong. In the process he has set us back 3-4 years in the plan. Anyone can spend a bit of money and sort a stadium. As a CEO you live and die by your big calls. He got his big call wrong, and worse he made it due to nepotism, and acted with arrogance in doing it.

Surely we are beyond keeping people in roles "because they're a Blues fan". This is a new dawn for Blues and we have to leave the mismanagement behind. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Positives (14 replies)

I've never loved the blues more than I do right now.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Positives

I’d keep him as a backup tbh. But we need better, as he’s not getting any younger and his kicking is awful.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Dear Gary

Worcester Blue


Fvcccck off

Truth is our record under Rowett was pretty good but when he eventually gets home in the fading light of blues final day in the top two divisions he will maybe look back that we were not positive enough in the Rotherham fixture and maybe not positive enough in the Huddersfield fixture too.

We don't need these silly celebrity managers like Rooney who get the club in the headlines but have done next to nothing as a manager... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: 18.186

Depends what Knighthead do with ticket prices imo. If they keep doing what they've been doing for the end of this season I reckon we will still be 20k+ with the odd sellout here and there.

Small Heath Alliance 

Be careful what you wish for re: Garry Cook

We're all gutted, it's obvious, but GC is instrumental to Knighthead, in so many ways.
He's made a mistake, but, long-term, we need to look at the not bigger, but massive picture that Tom Wagner is painting.
GC, is highly regarded not just in football, but other sports and industry and commerce, across the board.
Don't let the blame game come back and bite us in the ass, Tom Wagner chose GC, who has given us a great future already just in increase in revenue.
We owe it to TW, to stand by his choice... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 


My Prediction 24/25 average attendance
Personally i won't miss the 7.000

Small Heath Alliance 

Next few days (4 replies)

Be interesting to see if there are any announcements/resignations etc. What has played out will not just sail away.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Next few days

You didn’t tbf. I was just addressing that that in terms of cook will be an overwhelming majority of other people’s thoughts.

Small Heath Alliance 

Points tally last 5 years (8 replies)


Did ok this year relatively speaking but shows how crap the team has been in recent times. Clearout starts now.

Small Heath Alliance 

Perfect Timing (1 reply)

If there is such a thing for relegation that is.

Most of the squad are out of contract, instead of building a team to try to challenge for the PL we can fully reset and build a young and exciting team.

Both Leicester and Wolves have been in League One in recent history and they’ve both built into better outfits since.


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Perfect Timing

I am hoping relegation will trigger some of the contracted players to look for another club.

Small Heath Alliance 

Old Reg

Breathed his last breath
On the day that he heard
That Blues had been shamed
And gone down to the third

Another new low, bring on the rebirth